Look at my shitty code!

Well, not all of it is shitty code. Some of it is other people’s good code that I’ve added to. But here’s a few links to the things I’m working on. I invite issue posts and pull requests to all of them.
  • Teletext Twitter: An offhand comment on TV Forum inspired me to write this app for creating teletext data files. The system works in conjunction with raspi-teletext by Alistair Buxton and VBIT2 by Peter Kwan. I am standing on the shoulders of giants with this: please don’t think I made it all myself.
  • EdinBusTrack: It’s currently broken, but this is a Python module that gets live bus times for any bus stop in Edinburgh. It’s perfect for small computers like Raspberry Pis, but right now it needs work to interface with the official API instead of screen scraping - first I need to confirm whether the City of Edinburgh Council will let ordinary folk request API keys. Stay tuned...
  • Pastebin Mirror: Here’s a great tool for scraping Pastebin originally by Brannon Dorsey. I added some bug fixes and extra features to the project. Seems like lots of people have tools they’ve written without error checking for whatever reason (I’m not judging!) and it’s something I can contribute to the open source community.
  • Portlurker: I have an interest in information security, as this blog’s contents demonstrate. A friend wrote a simple honeypot tool in Rust (which is a terribly annoying language) and I had a play, added some features, and put some error checking into it. I really hate Rust a lot.
  • Animal Facts Bot: A useful app to display interesting animal facts on Reddit. I've taken it upon myself to act as some kind of code maintainer on this. I'm enforcing coding standards for spaces/tabs and quote use, and generally just fixing any errors in people's contributions. No feature additions or anything like that, I just wanted to help out and the project had a help-wanted tag on there so why the hell not?
I also quite like write documentation, so if you want me to do anything for your small apps give me a shout.
